LICENSE RENEWAL and CE COMPLETION DEADLINE is last day of birth month.
Don't wait - Enroll now!

Financial Academy CE courses are online self-study seminars (flexible schedule) with no proctor and NO EXAM REQUIREMENT.

Yes, there's still enough time to get it done!

The license for an agent born in an even-numbered year will expire at the end of the agent's birth month in even-numbered years. The license for an agent born in an odd-numbered year will expire at the end of the agent's birth month in odd-numbered years. Continuing Education is required for your license renewal and all courses must be completed before the renewal deadline.

Virginia Resident Agents need 16 hours for one license line, or 24 hours for multiple lines. Financial Academy CE courses are available NOW individually or as a 16-hour package or 24-hour package to fully meet your Life Annuity and Health or Property & Casualty requirements for the current biennium.

At least three hours must qualify for Ethics credit. Financial Academy Ethics and Laws and Regulations credits are interchangeable, and any extra Ethics or Laws credits are "wildcard" credits that you can use to satisfy requirements for any license type.

At least 25% of your total credits must be non-insurer/non-agency sponsored, which means you can't do all your CE "in-house." All Financial Academy CE courses are 100% non-insurer/non-agency, so our courses are the kind you need to avoid any problems with the 25% requirement.

Agents failing to complete and file all required course credits in advance of their birthday-month renewal deadline will be unable to renew the license. After license termination, you can reinstate your license by completing all CE and renewal application within 12 months and paying a $10 per license late fee. After 12 months, to be licensed again you must must take and pass the license exam and complete new agent application with fingerprints.

Financial Academy OnDemand (your own schedule) courses with No Proctor and No Exam are available now!

Enroll Now to Reserve your spot!