Approximately three hours, this fast-paced course covers prohibited phrasing, unfair trade practices and suitability issues - a real eye-opener!
Your registration guarantees your spot in an OnDemand (your own schedule) course. Simply complete all coursework to receive credit. There is no requirement for a proctor or final exam. You must complete the coursework to receive credit. Credits are filed for you after course completion is verified.
No Proctor and No Exam!Provides
three non-insurer/non-agency Ethics
"wildcard" CE credits that can be applied to meet minimum requirements or license-specific requirements for any license type. Remember, when you earn more than three Ethics/Laws credits, those excess credits are
"wildcard" credits that can be applied to meet license-specific requirements for any license type. And if you take any other courses and end up with more than 16 credit-hours this biennium, your excess Ethics/Laws credits will be carried over to the next biennium to knock out your Ethics requirement.
Approved Course#223833. Included in all 16 or 24-hour packages.
Enroll Now to Reserve a spot!