Develop your Personal Lines (Auto and Home Insurance) mastery and get 8 CE Credits! NO EXAM REQUIRED!

P&C Auto/Home Mastery - One Day - No Proctor, No Exam - 8 Credits
P&C Auto/Home Mastery - One Day - No Proctor, No Exam - 8 Credits
Item# AutoHomeMastery
Regular price: $80.00
Sale price: $75.00

Course Description

This popular course covers Family (Personal) Auto insurance and Dwelling/Homeowner insurance from top to bottom with interesting case studies to help develop your mastery. Approximately eight hours course time. Provides eight non-insurer/non-agency Property & Casualty (PC) Credits.

Your registration guarantees your spot in an online/OnDemand course, with NO EXAM and NO PROCTOR required. With Online/OnDemand you can start the course immediately following registration confirmation.

What's the difference? For webinar/classroom you must attend both full days at the scheduled time to receive your CE credits. With Financial Academy online/OnDemand, it's the same presentation but you set your own schedule and it always picks up where you left off. You must complete the coursework to receive credit, so attendance/security checks are built into the course. Credits are filed for you after course completion is verified.

No Proctor and No Exam!

Approved course #223836. Included in 16-hour Property & Casualty package and 24-hour package.

Enroll Now to Get Your CE Done!