Get Qualified for LTC Partnerships plus 8 LTCP (Life Annuity and Health) CE Credits!

Long-Term Care Partnerships 8 LH credits + Certification - No Proctor, No Exam
Long-Term Care Partnerships 8 LH credits + Certification - No Proctor, No Exam
Item# LTCP
Regular price: $80.00
Sale price: $75.00

Course Description

Knock out two requirements with one course!

This popular, fast-paced course covers LTC and Partnership programs, Medicaid, improvements in LTC services and providers, alternatives to private LTC insurance, customer suitability guidelines and more.

1 -- Provides eight non-insurer/non-agency Long-Term Care Partnership CE credits to meet Virginia LH requirements for any Life, Annuity and Health license or the corresponding consultant license.

2 -- Satisfies the federal requirement for initial (8-hr) or ongoing (4-hr) LTC Partnerships training. Get qualified or re-qualified for LTCP sales while you knock out your Virginia CE requirements!

Your registration guarantees your spot in an OnDemand (your own schedule) course. Simply complete all coursework to receive credit. There is no requirement for a proctor or final exam. You must complete the coursework to receive credit, so attendance/security checks are built into the course. Credits are filed for you after course completion is verified.

No Proctor and No Exam!

Approved Course #223835. Included in Life Annuity and Health 16-credit package.

Enroll Now to Reserve a seat!